Tech Tiers: Stepping Stones from AI to Spatial Computing

AI, Spatial Computing, and beyond: we delve into the intricate world where technologies build upon one another. We explore how the revelations in ā€˜The Social Dilemmaā€™ documentary and insights from the book ā€˜Infinite Retinaā€™ on Spatial Computing lay the groundwork for the next leaps in Artificial Intelligence. Join us as we stitch these concepts together, revealing how each innovation is a stepping stone to the next technological marvel.

Listen to episode 4 above or check out our other episodes inĀ šŸŒ±Ā Roots (season 1)


Benfordā€™s Law: Mathā€™s Hidden Truth in Cars & Money

Unveiling a mysterious phenomenon, this captivating third episode brings Benfordā€™s Law to the forefront, inviting you to dive into the secrets of mathematics, the intriguing world of car platforms, and the complexity of money value. Discover the latest developments in Big Tech and technology at large.

Listen to episode 3 above or play in your favorite podcast player


Cold Tech Wars: US-China & Appleā€™s 30% Cut

Step into the arena of the tech cold war and app store battles. Join us as we dissect the geopolitical tensions between the US and China and the corporate clash over Appleā€™s app store policies with a 30% cut on every In-App Purchase (IAP) and the potential impact on a singular virtual worldā€™s online store.

Listen to episode 2 above or play it on your favorite podcast platform
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Digital Debut: Virtuality and TikTok Takeover

Our very first episode!

Join your hosts Mike and Ronald as we explore the impact on virtual spaces and Microsoftā€™s potential acquisition of TikTok in our inaugural episode. Get to know your personal copilots of the tech world during our inspiring journey of knowledge sharing at the intersection of technology and philosophy.

Listen to episode 1 above or play in your favorite podcast player
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