Dear loyal fans,
We live recorded episode 77 last Friday on LinkedIn while the last publication on major podcast platforms was only episode 70. So yes, we’re 7 episodes behind or even more when it comes to show notes and key insights.
To thank you for your patience and your understanding, we reward our most loyal (and/or fastest) fan with the most extensive subscription tier called Decider, valued at β¬295 today.
How? Well, remember this contest where we’d giveaway three Decider subscriptions? Only two guessed the right answers: the third ‘E’ in Ronald’s 3E’s next to Explore and Enjoy was Experiment; and the year that he started at Microsoft was 2000, so the discount coupon is:
That means this coupon code above can be used one more time to become a Decider subscriber for free, no strings attached.
Watch past episodes on LinkedIn
Right now we are publishing episodes 71 to 77 in reverse order (last one first) so you can listen to the latest AI news in case you missed out any of these live broadcasts on LinkedIn:
- Ep. 77 Transatlantic Tension: Europe’s Push for AI Independence
- Ep. 76 GenAI: Full Speed Ahead or Being Steamrolled
- Ep. 75 Keep Up: Attention Is All You Need
- Ep. 74 Starting 2025 w/ Special Guest: Jolanda ter Maten (profile)
- Ep. 73 2024 Wrapped w/ Special Guest: Bas Willemsen (profile)
- Ep. 72 Special Guest Star Peter de Haas on: Baidu World and More
- Ep. 71 Echo’s Evolution: From AI Voice to Published Author
As a matter of fact, we just released episode 77 to all major platforms and are finalizing the online shownotes with key insights, transcripts and more. What’s more: we are publishing our episodes from now on in a new format, so keep on reading.
New Format: Publishing in Video Format w/ Audio-only option
A year ago, Spotify started to support videos for those who not only wanted to listen to your favorite podcast but also watch it. Since we are also showing a lot of visual material during our live broadcasts, we decided to upload our raw live video broadcasts to all major podcast platforms. Apple Podcasts does not support showing the video, so you will automatically hear the audio-only version. If you’re using Spotify on your mobile then you can switch yourself between video or audio.
The upside is that our Spotify embeds will automatically show the video too on our website, like you can see below with our latest episode 77 on Europe’s push for AI independence. Have a look!
Still here and missed the gift?
Try the very last coupon code experiment2000 on this page and get your Decider subscription worth β¬295 for free!
50% Discount Coupon for First 50 New Fans
Too late? We also have a 50% off coupon for the first 50 fans that want to become an Insider or just like to support us. Use 50OFF2025 as discount code here and pay only β¬24 instead of β¬48 so you’re saving 50%!